CSDE Biomarker Working Group on Blood Collection in Field Research Settings is Today!
Posted: 5/21/2019 (CSDE Research)
The CSDE Biomarker Working Group is meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2:30 – 3:30 PM, in 114 Raitt Hall. Blood is the gold-standard specimen type for most biomarker measurements, but presents some challenges for research that must be conducted in homes or other community settings to better reach study participants. Our next CSDE Biomarker Working Group meeting will offer an overview of methods for collecting blood in non-clinical settings, including sample sources (venous vs capillary), containers (tubes, DBS cards, and more recent inventions), and processing, storing and shipping procedures. We’ll cover pros and cons for various methods and talk about what to consider in developing field sample collection protocols. Some of the supplies and equipment used for field blood collection will be on hand to help participants visualize the whole process. Specific questions about sample collection scenarios and stories about previous field data collection experiences are most welcome.
The purpose of the CSDE Biomarker Working Group is to provide a forum for discussions of practical and theoretical issues associated with collecting and using biomarker data in social and behavioral science research. We hope to provide an opportunity for faculty and students with an interest in biomarker methods to meet researchers with similar interests from departments across campus. Please feel free to forward this announcement to colleagues.